July 6, 2009

Buying Dilemma

Ok, Day 6 of No Buy July. On a scale of 1 to 10 I'd say I'm at about a 7.5. I managed to go to Target and NOT even go near the clothes, shoes, or beauty aisles the other day! But on the 4th I ran into my first question of whether or not to buy. I was shaving my legs, ( a must for a day in shorts) and ran out of shaving cream! eek! i shook the bottle just to see if I could loosen any last foam to no avail. Donezo!! Luckily, I had enough to finish, but what about in a few days? What was I gonna do?

A) I could shave with just water, I've done it before. It just dries out my legs and doesn't get a close shave.
B) I could use bar soap and water, but same result as with just water. No good!
C) I could use my hair conditioner, I've done it once before as a trial, it worked ok.
D) I could go buy another bottle of shaving gel and have gloriously smooth legs!

But is shave gel considered a necessity? Do I consider it a necessity? Can I do without it?

Well, I weighed my options and chose to go with option C. Shaving gel for me is NOT a necessity. Yes, I absolutely prefer it, but I can do without it . Since I have some extra conditioner from last time. ( I switched to more of a mask, and had 1/4 of a bottle left of conditioner), I'll use it. Its good moisturizing conditioner and if it worked for my head, it should work for my legs.

One buying urge shot down!

Would you have chosen the same way? What would YOU have done?

Keep up with me on my journey, here!
What is No Buy July? Click here!

photo courtesy of: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pikespice/2815267725/

1 comment:

  1. What a good post! I liked your options. I would have had to choose D: Gel. But I may give option C a try first! Thanks.


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